While cold-weather seeds such as peas, broccoli, some lettuces as well as onion and garlic can be planted now, hang tight on planting most bulbs. The soil will need to warm up a little more, ideally above 50 degrees. Dahlias, native to South America and Mexico need warmer climates too, but now is a great time to get them started indoors before transplanting them to your gardens!

Also don’t forget to check out our Veggie Care 101 article for some more valuable info!

As winter’s grip becomes weaker, the first signs of Spring are the audible ones– American Robins and Red-winged Blackbirds starting to announce their presence after their long winter silence.

March is the transition from Winter to Spring and with warmer days ahead plants and flowers, just like our Van Wilgen’s customers, are starting to venture outside. Last week one of my neighbors had been unwell, so I asked Brianna to make up a planter for them. Cold-tolerant plants such as Pansies, Violas, Ranunculus, Tulips, Hyacinths and Daffodils offer resilience against any occasional cold nights or frosty mornings and are guaranteed to bring some colorful cheer back into our lives.

As the old English proverb says, March comes in like a Lion and goes out like a Lamb!

With the cold winter weather behind us and the warmth of Spring quickly approaching, we understand everyone is eager to return to their gardens and begin planting. But not everyone might understand how to de-winterize their garden or where to begin with Spring prep work. We wanted to share some of our spring gardening tips and tricks to help you have a successful garden.

You don’t need to wait for Spring to start a new planting project… terrarium building makes an excellent family activity or weekend project. Follow the steps below to get started today!

Step 1: Picking your Container

A good terrarium container is anything clear! Look for the perfect glass or plastic container that matches the decor of your home. The opening of the glass can be big or small, depending on what size plants you prefer to add.

Step 2: Constructing your Terrarium

The key to making a healthy environment in your terrarium is to work in layers.

Step 3: Build your Terrarium

Begin by adding your preferred plants. Simply dig a small hole and use a spoon or mini shovel to cover the roots with soil. For a more interesting design, use an odd number of plants. this will heighten the organic nature of the terrarium. Try not to crowd the plants too much as they will grow into each other.

After you have added your plants, several different decorative options can be added to a terrarium to enhance the aesthetic you are going for. If you are trying to create a more naturalistic environment, sticks and rocks are a great addition. Some people may prefer to add small statues or figurines to create a more fantastical aesthetic.

If you are having difficulty sourcing the substrate materials for your terrarium, we have everything you need here at the garden center! Simply stop by our North Branford location and we will help you with whatever you need.

As we know, plants have a few key necessities they require for survival, like water, soil, food, humidity, temperature, and sunlight. But much like people, the amounts of each of these vary greatly between plants. Because we know that plants require sunlight to perform photosynthesis, it can be difficult to understand that sometimes plants can receive excessive or insufficient sunlight. For some plants, it is as simple as placing the pot on the windowsill and moving on, but for others, it can be a more complicated mix of lighting requirements. In this guide, we will walk you through some of the specifics when it comes to keeping your houseplant healthy and well-lit.

Different Types of Light:

Bright Light (Direct Sun) This comes from those south-facing windows in your home which receive direct light all day long. These will be the brightest areas in your home.

Bright Indirect Light This can either be filtered light from a south-facing window or light that’s just to the side of a south-facing window.

Medium Light Medium-light can typically be found in the interior of a room where there’s south or east-facing windows providing light.

Low Light Areas in your home which are near north-facing windows or those dark corners of a bright room can be defined as low light areas.

Little to No Light Rooms with no windows at all or rooms with windows where the sunlight is being blocked by a tree or building fall into this category.

It is important to understand where the light in your home is coming from and how intensely it shines. Plants can be very sensitive to changes in light.


There’s nothing worse than bringing a new plant home, and after a week or two having it start to develop crispy leaves or seeing the leaves start to turn yellow. These can be signs that your plant isn’t happy with the light it’s getting.

Not Enough Light: Have you ever seen a plant growing lopsided with all of the new growth leaning toward a window? This is the plant saying it needs more light. Limbs that appear leggy or otherwise stunted growth are sure signs that your plant needs more light. Additionally, if you see yellowing or dropping of leaves, that can also be an indicator of poor light.

Too much light: Similar to the way we get a sunburn, plants exhibit similar characteristics when they’re exposed to too much sun. If your plant develops brown, crispy leaves (especially at the tips), or you notice burned patches on the plant, you might want to try moving your plant to a darker area.

Keep in mind that some of the above symptoms like leaf drop can be caused by a few things, so lighting may not necessarily be the culprit. Check your plant for signs of over or under watering, and look for bugs or disease as well as lighting conditions. When in doubt, call us or pay us a visit. We’re always here to help.

Corners: Many people like to place their plants between two windows on a corner table or, if you have a fiddle leaf fig, standing in the corner of a room or space. The problem, in this case, is that the light arcs around the plant and deprive the plant of the necessary light it needs. Consider low light houseplants for room corners.

Which Plant for Which Lighting?

Bright Light (Direct Sun)

Bright Indirect Light:

Medium Light:

Low Light:

Little to No Light

If you have any concerns about light or which plant might work best for your space, drop in for a little VanWisdom from our houseplant experts!


Choosing the right houseplant can be difficult depending on where you live. Some homes have little window space, others run too cool or dry, and others might be too hot. In these instances, you may feel limited in your houseplant selection when you would prefer something like a Croton, but have to settle for a Snake Plant instead. There is a plant, however, that seems to thrive in that goldilocks zone of houseplant care: The Peperomia! Check out some of our favorite species below:

Peperomia ‘Ecuador’

Peperomia ‘Fuzzy Mystery’

Peperomia ‘Raindrop’

Peperomia Caperata ‘Schumi Red’

Peperomia Obtusifolia

Peperomia Caperata ‘Napoli Night’

Peperomia ‘Variegated Upright’

Peperomia ‘Marble’

We hope you love Peperomia just as much as we do. we are constantly on the lookout for new and exciting variegations and varieties. Keep checking in at our North Branford location to see what’s new!

We hope to see you soon!

When it comes to finding the perfect houseplant for your space, it is important to take every factor into consideration. Plants are living things that need sunlight, water, and food, and while it is important to make sure your plants are being cared for and remain healthy, it is equally important to keep the other living things in your house just as safe. Of course, we are talking about your pets and kids–any living thing that might possibly ingest plant material without you knowing.

There are hundreds of thousands of plants in the world, and while we might not always have the bandwidth to study the biological effects of those plants on humans and animals. Thankfully, we can turn to the ASPCA for these concerns. the ASPCA has compiled a list of plants (both indoor and outdoor) that fall under two categories: toxic, and non-toxic. These lists focus on plants both toxic and non-toxic to dogs, cats, and horses.

You can check out the list for yourself here: Toxic and Non-Toxic Plant List

What Are Some Common Side Effects?

When our pets are feeling unwell, an illness can present itself in a number of ways. It is also important to remember that animals may have different reactions to different plants. If you know you have a toxic plant in the home, here are some important symptoms to be on the lookout for:

It is important to call poison control immediately if you notice any of these symptoms in your pet. It is equally important to investigate the houseplant for any teeth marks or tears. Even if you don’t see any noticeable marks–depending on the plant–your pet may have eaten an entire leaf, so ingestion cannot always be ruled out.

For the ASPCA poison control, call 888.426.4435 Or you can download the Animal Poison Control App

Tips and Tricks to Keep Pets Safe

When it comes down to it, there are some pretty easy ways to keep our pets safe from potentially toxic plants. With dogs, plants can simply be moved to a higher elevation as most dog breeds won’t be able to reach on top of a shelf or countertop in pursuit of the plant. Horses are even easier to care for, as toxic plants can simply be removed from barns or open areas where the horse roams.

The real culprits, unfortunately, are cats. They may be adorable but they can be devious. Cats are agile creatures and can reach indoor heights that dogs cannot, so in most instances, these traditional methods of simply “moving plants out of reach” don’t really work on cats. Here are some special tips and tricks to avoid exposing your cat to potentially toxic plants:

Non-Toxic Plants We Carry:

According to the ASPCA and the guidelines set on their database, Van Wilgen’s has a number of plants in stock at our glasshouse that have been deemed non-toxic. Please note that even non-toxic plants might cause minor irritation and nausea for your pet, so it is always important to take the ASPCA’s database into consideration prior to making a determination for what is right for your pet.

For more information on houseplant toxicity for your pets, visit the ASPCA. We hope to see you soon!

There are many plants that have specific watering requirements and specific lighting requirements, but one of the more overlooked plant maintenance requirements is humidity! If your home is too dry, there are a multitude of houseplants that can succumb to issues like wilting, drying, or drooping without proper humidity.

Most of the houseplants we love come from more tropical climates with higher humidity–not really conducive to the Connecticut climate. Thankfully, humidity is an easy fix! Simply use a humidifier near the plants to help keep their leaves healthy. If you don’t have a humidifier, you can mist the leaves about 2-3 times a week (4-5 in the winter). Here are some of our favorite High Humidity Plants:


Peace Lillies

Venus Fly-Traps



Fiddle Leaf Fig


We are always seeing new houseplants at the glass house, and we would love to help you pick out the perfect companion plant for your home, office, or dorm!

Water is one of the most essential needs that plants require for survival. That being said, it is also the source of nightmares for beginner houseplant enthusiasts. Does my plant need more water yet? What is the difference between moist and wet soil? Is my house too dry? Before you know it, you’re making another trip to Home Depot or Lowes to replace your third pothos. But instead of seeking out watering tips from the store that specializes in home improvement, come by Van Wilgen’s, we’ll teach you everything you need to know when it comes to watering your precious plants.

Plants are Living Things

One important rule of thumb when it comes to watering a plant is that it isn’t just a decorative fixture. Plants are living organisms, and they often act just like we do. When we get thirsty or hungry, we need to eat and drink, and the same goes for plants. I might need to drink more water per day than another person my age; that same logic can apply to plants.

Unfortunately, there’s no easy, one size fits all method when it comes to watering. Some plants will want to be kept in consistently moist soil, while others need to dry out in between watering.

One thing to consider is a plant’s native environment. Does it come from tropical rainforest or a dry desert? This may help clue you into how you should water your plant. As you learn about what your plant likes best, keep an eye on it, monitor it for signs of stress, and adjust as needed.

What Water Should I Use?

When watering you might not think twice about what you’re giving your plants. Water is water, right? Not necessarily. Some plants are sensitive to chemicals and minerals that are found in tap or well water. This is especially true for spider plants, dracaenas, and fiddle leaf figs. But really, all houseplants can benefit from the use of filtered, distilled, or rainwater. A charcoal or drinking water filter can also help make water safer for sensitive plants.

Calcium or other minerals can also create water spots on the leaves, which is why it’s best to water as close to the soil as you can. A watering can with a long, thin spout really comes in handy to avoid getting the foliage wet. Of course, if you have large, broad leaves that are prone to collecting dirt and dust (which can actually block sunlight), you may want to occasionally wipe them down with a damp cloth.

Another thing you should be mindful of is the temperature of the water you’re giving your plants. Keep the water at room temperature, since cold or hot water can actually shock the plant. For this reason, you should also avoid watering orchids or other plants with ice cubes. We wouldn’t want to sit in an ice bath, plants don’t either.

How Often Should I Water?

When it comes to planning waterings, plants can be finicky. Some plants prefer to be completely dry, while others want to retain a consistent level of moisture; it is all about learning your specific plant’s needs.

Moisture meters can be helpful to determine moisture levels in small pots, however, they don’t work quite as accurately in large pots and containers. Here at Van Wilgen’s, we have a little trick we like to use, instead.

If you own a wooden dowel or a wooden spoon, insert the handle into the soil, close to the roots. if the wooden dowel shows signs of moisture, you should hold off on watering. Do this every day until you can tell the soil has dried out. The number of days that have passed since you last watered is how frequently you should be watering.

You’ll want to do this process in the summer, and then again in the winter to see if your plants watering needs have changed, as the air may be drier, or your plant may go dormant in the wintertime. Similarly, if you move your plant or change something in the room, you may want to measure and adjust as needed. There are a lot of factors that can affect the amount of water your plant needs. For example, a plant receiving direct sunlight will dry out more quickly than one in low light, and the smaller the container, the more quickly the soil will dry out and vice versa.

How Much Water Should I Use?

Because plants have different water requirements, it really depends on the watering trends you’ve noticed. In most cases, we recommend watering evenly with a divided stream until water begins to drain out the bottom of your pot. If you don’t water long enough to allow this to happen, the deeper roots will never receive adequate water, leading to plant illness and dehydration.

Some plants like Calathea require higher levels of moisture that can be harder to maintain through traditional watering methods. In these instances, placing the pot in a pebble tray with water will allow the plant to absorb as much moisture as it needs.

Is my Plant too Dry?

In most circumstances, underwatering a plant is easier to deal with than overwatering. Plants can continue to bounce back through minor periods of drought, however, if you notice these signs, your plant is probably pretty thirsty:

The simple solution to this is to water your plant thoroughly and allow the roots to take in that hydration. If you continue to underwater over time, the roots can begin to dry and will no longer be able to absorb moisture.

Is my Plant too Wet?

When it comes to over-watering, plants have a more difficult time bouncing back to a state of proper health. the reason this can be a more serious issue for plants is that too much moisture can cause drowning and rot, which can lead to numerous health issues:

All of these issues can be life-threatening to a plant, so it is important to ensure you aren’t over-watering, and that your plants have proper drainage. Purchasing pots with holes is always a go-to solution, however, if you can’t, you can always drill holes into the bottom of your pot. You can also put smaller pots inside of larger pots to add height and make sure your plant isn’t getting too close to the moisture at the bottom.

So, what should you do if you’ve overwatered? If the issue is relatively minor, you can simply wait for the soil to dry out before watering again. If the problem is more severe, remove the plant from its container and place it on something absorbent to soak up excess water. If necessary, you can remove some of the soil from around the roots so you can re-pot in new soil. At this time, you should trim back any stems, foliage, or roots that have started to rot. Since root rot is caused by a fungus, you’ll want to clean your clippers in between cuts to prevent it from spreading. You should also treat your plant with a spray-on fungicide before repotting. Avoid fertilizing at this point as it can cause further damage to the roots. You’ll want to wait a week or two before resuming your routine plant care. Unfortunately, even by following these steps, depending on the severity of overwatering, the plant may not survive if it’s too stressed, which is why good drainage is so important.

Maintaining Humidity

One important fact to remember is that many of the houseplants we love come from areas that are far more tropical than Connecticut. A lot of these plants love moisture and humidity, and the harsh winter air can often lead to the drying of leaves and ultimately diminished health of the plant. To maintain optimal humidity, a humidifier near the plant can be life-saving. If you cant afford a humidifier, mist the leaves several times a week (about 2-3, or more in the winter) to ensure the plant is well humidified.

Breakdown by Plant:

Water Approximately Every 3-5 Days

These plants like to be watered all the way through until you see water coming from the bottom of the pot.

Water Approximately Every 5-7 Days

These plants also like to be watered all the way through, until you see water coming from the bottom of the pot.

Water Approximately Every 7-10 Days

These plants generally require less water, so you don’t need to water all the way through.

Water Approximately Every 14-21 Days

These plants also generally require less water, so you don’t need to water all the way through.

When in doubt, talk to us! If you’re having an issue with a plant or are looking for some plant care pointers, we’re always here to help spread our VanWisdom!

Most people will plant a single houseplant in a pot, but if you really want to up your houseplant game, you should consider combining multiple plants into a single container. Not only does this add depth and visual interest to your containers, but it’s also a really great option if you don’t have a lot of space for containers but enjoy collecting different houseplants. The key is to combine companion houseplants that suit one another.

Choose Like-Minded Plants

As you may have guessed from reading our previous articles, the key is to choose plants with similar light, water, and soil needs. For instance, you wouldn’t want to pair a cactus with a peace lily since you would quickly kill at least one plant while taking care of the other. Something like a cactus and a succulent on the other hand will be right at home with one another.

To get you started, here are a few of our favorite houseplants that they can be paired with. Keep in mind that some plants can tolerate a fairly broad range of conditions, so you may occasionally find plants paired with others that aren’t in the same category as below. When in doubt, just ask us!

Water About Every 3-5 Days – Low Light

Water Every 5-7 Days – Bright Light

Water Every 7-10 Days – Bright Indirect Light

Water Every 14-21 Days – Bright Light

Creative Containers

So, once you have an idea of which plants can be potted together, how do you choose an arrangement? This is where you have an opportunity to have some fun and get creative.

If you’re unsure of where to start, we always recommend the tried and true “thriller, filler, and spiller” method. Start by choosing a plant with some drama and height (thriller), add in a mid-height companion plant (filler), and then complete the arrangement with a hanging plant that will spill over the side of your container rather than grow upright (spiller). This method works well to give the appearance of a really full arrangement. Just keep in mind the size of your container when choosing the size of your houseplants. You don’t want to have too much excess space or squeeze plants into a container that’s too small. You’ll also want to think about the mature size and shape of the plants you’re choosing. For example, pothos will trail down the side of the pot over time, but it may not start out that way when you first purchase it.

Another way to plan your arrangements is to consider plant color. Choose contrasting colors (those that are opposite one another on a color wheel) for added drama or choose analogous colors (those next to one another) for more of a cohesive look. Be sure to factor in the color of your container when planning everything out. There are no hard fast rules here, so play around until you find a combination that you personally like.

Still not quite sure of what plants to choose? You can also consider choosing different varieties of the same plant for your containers. Something like a snake plant or dracaena has a wide range of options that can look stunning when planted together. If you’re still stuck, but want to try a mixed container, just pay us a visit. We’re always here to help!