Fast growing and upright with rich, medium-green foliage, this selection is an ideal choice for screening in a hurry! Rumored to be much less palatable to deer than occidentalis types, ‘Green Giant’ is a plant your customers will want to have.
You’ll be rubbing your eyes when you see this hot selection from Ball Ornamentals. It’s simply too hard to believe that any plant, especially a needled evergreen like this, could be this brilliantly yellow. Believe it because ‘4ever Goldy’ will deliver the spectacular, non-fading, non-burning color all year! While this color bomb of a plant is far slower growing that its green colored plicata relatives, it still grows aggressively enough to be a specimen that will be bright enough to see from earth orbit or a hedge that will be dazzling if you dare! This selection loves full sun and is tolerant of most soils and has the added bonus of orange tinged fall and winter foliage color offset by brilliant deep red stems…no need to worry about winter landscape interest here!
You’ll love what Fluffy Western arborvitae does for your landscape! This unique evergreen has soft, bold foliage that emerges yellow and gives the plant a halo-like effect in the landscape. Its cheerful color persists even in winter. It naturally grows with a pyramidal shape that adds structure and shape to the garden. Thanks to its distinctive habit and colorful foliage, Fluffy makes a true statement in the landscape. Try it as a specimen, or pair them at a door or entrance for a dash of fun formality.
Quick growing, broadly pyramidal, deep green, fan-like foliage fills out the broadly spreading, upright branches of this selection giving it its unique, plump thick appearance. Easy to grow with few pests. Extremely cold hardy. Broader growing than other selections of Arborvitae for uses in wider areas. Perfect for grouping to form a hedge.
Scale-like foliage populates fan-like foliage fronds that pack tightly to form a dense, flattened globe shaped evergreen offering great landscape texture on a slow growing plant Easy to grow. Perfect for use in smaller landscape spots or in group border plantings. Excellent landscape texture. Slow growing
This easy-to-grow, native evergreen provides a rich gold accent that grows to a more intense gold in the winter. Like a quality piece of gold jewelry, it adds that perfect and final touch to conifer plantings or to screens and hedges. Techny Gold is hardy and winter burn resistant, and it will provide you with four seasons worth of showstopping color.
A landscape show stopper! Dense growing with a globular shape, this easy to grow evergreen has the added value of a seductively soft texture and an eye grabbing orange-yellow color during the growing season.
North Pole® is an easy to grow evergreen that will thrive in your landscape through thick or thin. Actually, thick or thin may be the perfect analogy for this plant. Its thin form will make you sit up and take notice as it stays thinner than ‘Emerald Green’, one of the most popular Arborvitae sold today. While it stays thin and narrow, its tightly held, fan-like foliage covers its narrow form thickly to produce a plant that inpenetrable to vision making it a wonderful hedge plant when planted en masse. Its form and ease of growth also make it a perfect single specimen plant for any narrow space in the sunny or partially sunny landscape. North Pole®, unlike other Arborvitae, is also masterful about retaining its dark, deep green foliage color even in the harshest of winters, a claim among other like Thuja that is often made but less often truly borne out. North Pole® prefers moist, well drained soil but will be tolerant of drier soild once established.
There’s no doubt that this is the quintessential screening plant loaded with landscape plusses. Growing quickly and possessing a narrow, upright form, ‘Nigra’ is covered in densely held, deep green, fan-like foliage causing little chance of seeing objects on the other side! Best of all, unlike other large evergreens, ‘Nigra’ has a small footprint that makes it even easier to work with. It’s perfect for growing in full sun or partial shade and tolerates all but the wettest soils with little complaint.
Nearly perfectly globe shaped evergreen has finely textured, bright golden spring foliage. Very slow growing variety with fantastic autumn colors of deep red. This selection is a worthy choice for a rock garden, as a specimen or as an accent plant. Requires little maintenance.