A reblooming beauty, this rugosa type has big, double, sweetly scented yellow flowers that occur in sizeable clusters throughout the season.

One of the world’s most famous roses and with good reason! Floriferous to a fault, this Hybrid Tea produces sweet, fruity-scented coral-orange blossoms throughout the growing season that are perfect for cutting.

(Northern Hardy) So tough, so tolerant, so easy to grow, yet such a great rose for the garden. Snow Pavement gives you everything you want in a rose without any of the “Hybrid Tea” hassles! Related to Rosa rugosa. It has taken this plant’s toughness and put it in a much refined form that is low, dense, and spreading and one that also delivers lots of bloom from June through September. Flowers buds appear constanly and open to fluffy, pale lavender, semi-double flowers that age to pale blush pink and, finally, to pure white. Blooms have the added bonus of being very fragrant while leaving big round hips behind post-bloom that color up bright red in the fall. Snow Pavement loves full sun and is rock against the normal disease problems that can plague roses.

A dense, rounded mound of a plant with a continuous show of semi-double purple-crimson flowers. Very hardy with bright red, bird attracting hips in the fall and winter months.

This long blooming rose will provide a border or container with vibrant pink color spring through fall.  It’s self cleaning so maintenance is low, and no deadheading is needed.  Its fruitful fragrance brings delight to any flower bouquet.

Brindabella Roses™ is collection of tough shrub roses, with fragrant, doubled flowers. The petals on‘Crimson Knight’ transition from a deep magenta to a vibrant pinkish-purple on a bushy, green shrub. An easy to grow selection that delivers bright colors from spring through fall.  

Create a beautiful wildlife bonanza in your landscape with this American Beauties rose that everyone and every critter will prize! Virginia Rose is easy to grow with an abundance of deep brown, thorny stems that produce a considerable, spreading shrub covered with dark green foliage. The dense foliage provides a perfect living environment for birds and critters and they line up to live near this plant due to the gastronomic goodies it produces. Flowers open starting in June and continue right through August displaying a single, pink petalled, yellow centered, 2-3″ diameter bloom that native bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds can’t wait to visit. Adding to this food value, as fall nears, big, bright red rose hips mature providing a banquet for a who’s who of native songbirds that lasts well into winter. Virginia Rose tolerates most any soil except one that’s overly wet, thrives in full sun or partial shade and is one of the easiest, most rewarding roses you’ll ever grow.

Pink Pavement is a unique rose with its winter hardiness and subtle fragrance. These flowers have beautiful, large, semi-double blooms that range in color from deep pink to mauve. They make excellent cut flowers and grow well in full sunlight. 

This rose is a hybrid Rugosa with a strong cinnamon fragrance emanating from its large semi double 4-5″ flowers that bloom through the season. The color of this rose has been described as mauve or beetroot purple, suffused with magenta as each flower matures. The eye is streaked with white and it boasts golden yellow stamens that contrast nicely with the petals. Like the species the foliage is a dark green and glossy, it’s resistant to the common fungal diseases and it has a nice upright and bushy habit. Own root.

Perhaps one of the toughest plants of any type, this selection belies its ruggedness with a beguiling display of flowering beauty. Pure white, single flowers abound in the spring, recur sporadically throughout the season and fill the air with their sweet scent. Commonly known as Beach Rose for its native habitat, this selection will tolerate sand, salt, and whatever other indignity you heap upon it and still keep growing!