Fully resistant to Dutch Elm disease, this selection was cloned from a surviving Elm in Washington, DC. Its shape, unique, rounded, spreading canopy and deep green foliage make this an outstanding specimen tree.
This deciduous tree is donned with smooth, oval leaves and a plethora of samaras perfect for birds to feast on. The vase-like shape of this tree will provide you with umbrella-like shade whose color will turn a rusty hue in the fall.
Even if you are not a fan of weeping plants, it will be hard to resist ‘Cascade Falls’ just because it is so easy to grow. This plant will tolerate and thrive in hot sun, partial shade, wet soil, drought soil… you name it, and it performs like a trooper. Branches of ‘Cascade Falls’ are pendulous and can be trained to any height or shape, producing a singular weeping, flowing plant that will be a tremendous specimen. Medium green needles align themselves in whorls along these branches, providing great texture and very attractive orangey-brown fall color.
Trouble free and spectacular, this plant will be a blooming masterpiece in any landscape. Round, dense form is covered with creamy white, 6-12″ long panicles of flowers in June. A real beauty!
Evening Light Snowbell exhibits rich maroon and green foliage, that contrasts intensely with the bright red sepals and glowing white flowers. This tree has a profuse blooming character with the light sweet fragrance of cotton candy. If consistently watered throughout the summer, early fall will bring a second round of flowers! a spectacle and centerpiece in patio containers, small gardens or landscapes.
This Cary Award winner is a spectacular landscape plant with 2 to 2.5″ diameter flowers in July, astounding multi-colored exfoliating bark, and superb reddish-purple fall color. Easy to grow and pest-free.
So clean, so perfect looking your customers will think this plants plastic!! Slow-growing when young, speedier as it ages, this pyramidal wonder’s deep green, thick glossy needles will show their beauty in any landscape. Nearly pest and insect-free!
Sassafras trees are valued for their fragrant spring blooms that attract butterflies. It is also a host plant for a variety of butterflies. Bright green foliage adorns the interesting, horizontal branches and turns a striking yellow, orange and red in the fall. Female flowers produce dark blue fruits held on red stalks that are relished by birds. Trees can sucker but if a single stem is desired suckers are easily mowed. Sassafras has been cultivated since the early 1600’s for it’s use as food, medicine and for building.
Is there another tree growing in the northeast that is as recognizable as the Weeping Willow?? Fast growing and tolerant of wet areas, the delicate, gracefully pendulous branches of this plant seem to touch everyone with their beauty. A great specimen that needs room to deliver the most impact in the landscape.
Like all Willows, ‘Scarlet Curls’ is aggressive growing but that is far from the only reason this plant will make a landscape impression. One look at its branching will have you intrigued with corkscrew-like branching that has a red tinge that deepens markedly in the fall and winter months and is very colorful and attractive. The foliage actually twists, too giving a ruffled look on those long, slender, curled branches that is far different from your normal Weeping Willow. Better yet, ‘Scarlet Curls’ is a no-brainer to grow. Plant it in a sunny area, away from pipes and septic systems, and it will grow with very little outside assistance from you other than watering it to get it established.