Like all Wisteria, this native to the lower mid-Atlantic area is a quick grower that needs space and support to grow and look its best. A heavy arbor will allow this plant to thrive and do what it loves to do: grow and produce spectacular, 8-10″ long racemes of lavender-blue flowers in late May that may repeat during the summer months. Its flower display is breathtaking, fragrant and attractive to any number of native insects and butterflies looking to fill up on nectar. ‘Blue Moon’ loves full sun and will flower its best in that environment but it will tolerate less sun and still grow well. While this selection is native further south, it is one of the most northern hardy of all Wisteria and blooms reliably into Zone 3. ‘Blue Moon’ is a nearly ‘no care’ plant, in fact, your pruning will encourage vegetative growth at the expense of bloom so cut judiciously!

Dependability is without question on this easy to grow vine that will give you gobs of deep purple, sweet Grapes that have the added pleasure of being seedless. There may be no other Grape as multi-purpose for you to grow in your edible garden as it’s spectacular for fresh eating when harvest time rolls around in early to mid-Spetember or can be used in jellies and preserves with equal success. Like all heavy, woody vines, be sure to grow this selection with a strong wooded trellis or arbor for support in order to assure the best fruiting and health of the plant.

Blue Diddley® Vitex makes the plant even better with its dwarf stature that is about half the size of typical vitex. In the north, zones 5-6, this plant acts like a perennial and dies back to the ground, but regrows and flowers much like a butterfly bush (buddleia). It is slow to break bud in the spring, so do not panic if the plant looks dead, it will sprout new shoots and make a fine specimen in due time. It is a shrub or small tree in the south. This dwarf chastetree is a fun little ball of lavender-blue flower spikes in mid-summer. Its compact size fits nicely into perennial gardens and mixed borders.

White or blue flowers can be found scattered among the dense deep green foliage. Don’t worry if you see some holes from caterpillars on the lush deep green leaves. Many moths and the Fritillary butterflies feed on the foliage. Grows best in moist to well-drained soils in part shade, creating a dense ground cover.

Penny™ Denim Jump Up boasts huge, deep velvety blue and white flowers with a deep blue/black blotch and a yellow eye that flowers continuously from beginning to end of season. Compact, mounded, easy to care for habit that is all color and no fuss! The Penny™ series of hybrid Violas tolerates more heat without becoming leggy. Incredibly robust for better over-wintering performance. Edible flowers!

This variegated selection of ‘Bowles’ is named after the esteemed nurseryman Ralph Shugert from Michigan. The dark green leaves have a thin white border. Deep blue flowers in spring.

Dreamy, dark blue flowers with a hint of lavender will make this dependable groundcover come alive with luscious color starting in early May and continuing intermittently well into the summer months. Its deep bloom brings out the best in any shaded area and makes a subtle yet superb contrast with its lustrous, deep green foliage that lines up tightly along thin pendulous stems. ‘Dark Blue is a gardeners’ dream for shady, tough areas where it seems nothing wants to grow. ‘Dark Blue’ thrives in these spots and is one of the best plants anywhere to help prevent erosion and hold soil.

A superb groundcover for part to full shade, this plant displays a rich green shiny foliage year-round and a great texture that is a definite landscape plus. Loaded with blue flowers in the spring, this plant prefers a moist but well-drained soil.

Easy to grow and aggressive, prostrate will cover the roughest of landscape areas well. Beautiful pale blue flowers emerge in late May and June sprinkling this fluffy carpet of a plant liberally with color. Shearing this plant after flowering brings a renewal of lush, great looking foliage.

Plants cover themselves with medium to deep blue-violet flowers from late April into mid-May. The rest of the growing season, they settle into attractive groundcovers that seem to handle cold, heat, humidity, rain, and drought equally well