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Coloratus Wintercreeper
Coloratus Wintercreeper
- Average Water
- Dry Soil
- Full Shade
- Full Sun
- Ground Cover
- Moist
- Partial Shade
- Partial Sun
- Trailing
- Well-Drained
- White
This popular groundcover is a dense, woody-stemmed, broadleaf evergreen to semi-evergreen that features lustrous, dark green leaves which turn dark purple in fall and winter. Inconspicuous, greenish-white flowers may appear in June. Makes an attractive edge along paths or sidewalks, for erosion control, or as an ivy-like climbing vine for covering walls, chimneys or fences. Excellent tolerance for urban conditions.
- Category:
- Breeder:
- Hardiness Zone: 4-8
- Height: 6-12 Inches
- Spread: 6-9 Inches
- Bloom Color:
White Shades
Featured Characteristics

- Average Water
- Dry Soil
- Full Shade
- Full Sun
- Ground Cover
- Moist
- Partial Shade
- Partial Sun
- Trailing
- Well-Drained
- White
This popular groundcover is a dense, woody-stemmed, broadleaf evergreen to semi-evergreen that features lustrous, dark green leaves which turn dark purple in fall and winter. Inconspicuous, greenish-white flowers may appear in June. Makes an attractive edge along paths or sidewalks, for erosion control, or as an ivy-like climbing vine for covering walls, chimneys or fences. Excellent tolerance for urban conditions.
- Category: Shrub
- Breeder:
- Hardiness Zone: 4-8
- Height: 6-12 Inches
- Spread: 6-9 Inches
- Bloom Color: White Shades