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Georgia Pancake Creeping Blue Star
Georgia Pancake Creeping Blue Star
- Average Water
- Blue
- Border or Bed
- Container
- Deer Resistant
- Early Summer
- Full Sun
- Great Foliage
- Green
- Ground Cover
- Late Spring
- Low Maintenance
- Moist
- Partial Sun
- Plants That Work
- Trailing
- Well-Drained
- White
Tough and textured, this selection’s long, soft, needle-like foliage creates a dreamy garden groundcover that is perfectly topped with clusters of pale blue, star-like flowers in late May. Outstanding yellow fall foliage color.
- Category:
- Breeder:
Plants That Work
- Hardiness Zone: 5-8
- Height: 3-5 Inches
- Spread: 18-24 Inches
- Bloom Color:
Blue Shades
White Shades
Featured Characteristics

- Average Water
- Blue
- Border or Bed
- Container
- Deer Resistant
- Early Summer
- Full Sun
- Great Foliage
- Green
- Ground Cover
- Late Spring
- Low Maintenance
- Moist
- Partial Sun
- Plants That Work
- Trailing
- Well-Drained
- White
Tough and textured, this selection’s long, soft, needle-like foliage creates a dreamy garden groundcover that is perfectly topped with clusters of pale blue, star-like flowers in late May. Outstanding yellow fall foliage color.
- Category: Perennial
- Breeder: Plants That Work
- Hardiness Zone: 5-8
- Height: 3-5 Inches
- Spread: 18-24 Inches
- Bloom Color: Blue Shades White Shades