Glowingstar® Peach

Glowingstar® Peach


(Semi-Dwarf) If you are looking for a slightly earlier Peach that does not skimp on size or taste, Glowingstar® is the Peach for your home edible garden! Maturing in mid to late July, Glowingstar® doesnt skimp on the size producing beefy 2.5 to 3 bright red colored fruit against a yellow backdrop that open to firm, yellow, sweet tasting flesh that will have you eating them right off the tree. This freestone selection makes it easy for you because it is such a forgiving tree with great hardiness, resistance to bacterial spot and great vigor which allows it to produce its easy to store fruit by the bushel load! Glowingstar® is self-pollinating and your family will find it to be a welcome addition to your garden with each pie, preserve and fresh Peach they eat!

  • Category: Edibles Fruit Tree
  • Breeder: Goodness Grows Edibles
  • Hardiness Zone: 5-8
  • Height: 0-0
  • Spread: 0-0
  • Bloom Color: