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Low Bush Honeysuckle
Low Bush Honeysuckle
- American Beauties Native Plants®
- Attracts Butterflies
- Attracts Songbirds
- Average Water
- Dark Green
- Deer Resistant
- Fall Color
- Full Sun
- Great Foliage
- Moist
- Orange
- Partial Shade
- Partial Sun
- Well-Drained
- Yellow
You’ll love the stunning foliage color on this easy to grow selection as new leaves emerge brilliant crimson in spring filling this dense spreading shrub with color. Leaves age to deep green followed by bright yellow, nectar laden bloom in late June, and native songbird sustaining fruit in fall.
- Category:
- Breeder:
American Beauties Native Plants
- Hardiness Zone: 4-9
- Height: 2-3 ft
- Spread: 3-4 ft
- Bloom Color:
Green Shades
Yellow Shades
Featured Characteristics

- American Beauties Native Plants®
- Attracts Butterflies
- Attracts Songbirds
- Average Water
- Dark Green
- Deer Resistant
- Fall Color
- Full Sun
- Great Foliage
- Moist
- Orange
- Partial Shade
- Partial Sun
- Well-Drained
- Yellow
You’ll love the stunning foliage color on this easy to grow selection as new leaves emerge brilliant crimson in spring filling this dense spreading shrub with color. Leaves age to deep green followed by bright yellow, nectar laden bloom in late June, and native songbird sustaining fruit in fall.
- Category: Shrub
- Breeder: American Beauties Native Plants
- Hardiness Zone: 4-9
- Height: 2-3 ft
- Spread: 3-4 ft
- Bloom Color: Green Shades Yellow Shades