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Rosy Lights Azalea
Rosy Lights Azalea
- Attracts Butterflies
- Attracts Hummingbirds
- Average Water
- Full Sun
- Low Maintenance
- Native
- Partial Sun
- Supports Bees
Very fragrant blooming with deep pink flowers that have rose-red shading. Super landscape color!
- Category:
- Breeder:
- Hardiness Zone: 4-8
- Height: 4-5 Feet
- Spread: 5-6 Feet
- Bloom Color:
Featured Characteristics

- Attracts Butterflies
- Attracts Hummingbirds
- Average Water
- Full Sun
- Low Maintenance
- Native
- Partial Sun
- Supports Bees
Very fragrant blooming with deep pink flowers that have rose-red shading. Super landscape color!
- Category: Shrub
- Breeder:
- Hardiness Zone: 4-8
- Height: 4-5 Feet
- Spread: 5-6 Feet
- Bloom Color: