Superba Clematis
Superba Clematis
- Climbing
- Fall
- Full Sun
- Late Summer
- Partial Shade
- Purple
- Summer Bloomer
- Vigorous
Everyone knows Clematis ‘Jackmanii’ with its huge purple-blue flowers..for many, it doesn’t seem like spring without its stunning bloom. If you love ‘Jackmanii’ then you will fall head over heels for this improved version. ‘Superba’ represents its name well by being more vigorous and producing even larger, richer, deep purple-blue flowers. The petals are broader than ‘Jackmanii’ and create a nearly square flower. These deep purple beauties cover the vine from late June until early autumn making a great decoration for trellises, fences, or tumbling along a rock wall. This vigorous vine will quickly cover its support and should be cut down to a few inches above the soil line each spring since it produces all of its flowers on the new growth each spring. Make sure you mulch around its roots to them cool and happy and use a strong trellis or fence for support for best performance. Class 3.
- Category:
- Breeder:
- Hardiness Zone: 3-8
- Height: 9-10 Feet
- Spread: 2-3 Feet
- Bloom Color:
Purple Shades
Featured Characteristics

- Climbing
- Fall
- Full Sun
- Late Summer
- Partial Shade
- Purple
- Summer Bloomer
- Vigorous
Everyone knows Clematis ‘Jackmanii’ with its huge purple-blue flowers..for many, it doesn’t seem like spring without its stunning bloom. If you love ‘Jackmanii’ then you will fall head over heels for this improved version. ‘Superba’ represents its name well by being more vigorous and producing even larger, richer, deep purple-blue flowers. The petals are broader than ‘Jackmanii’ and create a nearly square flower. These deep purple beauties cover the vine from late June until early autumn making a great decoration for trellises, fences, or tumbling along a rock wall. This vigorous vine will quickly cover its support and should be cut down to a few inches above the soil line each spring since it produces all of its flowers on the new growth each spring. Make sure you mulch around its roots to them cool and happy and use a strong trellis or fence for support for best performance. Class 3.
- Category: Perennial Vine
- Breeder:
- Hardiness Zone: 3-8
- Height: 9-10 Feet
- Spread: 2-3 Feet
- Bloom Color: Purple Shades