Oh my gourd, pumpkins are here! That means it’s time to get decorating for fall! To get you inspired, we’ve rounded up a few of our favorite ways to use pumpkins inside and out this season.
Traditional Carving
Okay, we can’t have an article about decorating with pumpkins without mentioning pumpkin carving. Carving is a classic fall activity, but if you want to mix things up, try using one of our unique pumpkins for something with extra personality.
Add Height By Stacking
We love pumpkin towers! If you’re short on time or don’t want to carve, this is the perfect solution for decorating your front stoop. Add a stack to either side of your door, and combine with a potted mum for instant fall charm.
Floral Pumpkins
This easy fall DIY combines two of our favorite things: flowers and pumpkins. Simply drill holes into the pumpkin and add some of your favorite flowers from around the yard.
Botanical Pumpkins
These decoupaged pumpkins feature leaves and flowers pulled right from your garden or yard. This activity is great for the whole family (especially if you’re looking for a knife-free alternative to carving). Pro tip: When choosing a pumpkin and plants look for smoother pumpkins, and thinner, pliable plant material (ferns work really well). Try to avoid stiff, waxy leaves.
Tablescaping with Pumpkins
Get creative with fall decorating by including pumpkins and gourds as part of your table setting. You can create a centerpiece in the center of the table, or even write place settings directly on smaller Jack-Be-Littles. Mix and match with plants and other natural elements for a beautiful sophisticated setting. The sky’s the limit!
Layer With Other Fall Favorites
To have your front stoop be the envy of the neighborhood, create a layered look with your pumpkins by combining them with hay bales, corn stalks, mums, pansies, and all of your favorite fall decorations. Mix heights, colors, and textures for a space that really pops.
Repurpose Urns and Pots
Are your summer containers looking a little sad? Rather than put those planters away for the season, use them to elevate a pumpkin stack for extra drama.
Pumpkin Succulents
Give your pumpkins a classy look by combining your pumpkins with succulents. This option makes great centerpieces, and is sure to stand out!
Pumpkin Man
For something a little different and slightly more ambitious, stake together several pumpkins and gourds to create a whimsical fall pumpkin man! Have fun and try adding in a straw hat or other accessories.
Think Outside the Box
With fall decorating there are no rules! We love that you can repurpose items found around your home and use them in a new way. Here we’ve repurposed a small planter, added in some Jack-Be-Littles, and snipped off a branch from a nearby hydrangea for a unique fall look. Sometimes all you need to do is look around your house or yard to be inspired. So get out there, and enjoy decorating this fall!
It’s always a good day for the team when we can take a minute to talk about some of our favorite plants. Fall is a fantastic time to plant, and an event better time to admire the landscape. We put pen to paper and came up with a baker’s dozen of our favorite Autumn Flowers and Fruits. If you don’t see yours let us know, we love to know what you are planting!
Beauty Berry
Winter Berry
Sweet Autumn Clematis
Perennial Plumbago
Snow Berry
Butterfly Weed
Crab Apple
Knock Out and Drift Roses
Fall Anenome
Autumn is a wonderful (some might say the best) time of the year for color. Trees and landscapes turn into amazing shades of reds, golds, and oranges. Everything in the yard makes us want to bring those same colors indoors.
While a cutting arrangement full of autumn flowers is wonderful, they won’t last all season. That’s why we have autumn houseplants. Indoor plants bring a welcoming burst of color during the dark winter evenings and keep homes feeling cheerful.
Keep plants happy during colder months by following directions for your houseplant’s light and water requirements. Feed regularly with Espoma’s Indoor! liquid fertilizer to keep those amazing colors vibrant all season long.
8 Houseplants You Need This Autumn
- Crotons
Invite this bold houseplant to your space this season. The foliage comes in incredible colors of red, green, orange, yellow, and even black! You will not be disappointed. Crotons like bright areas, so place them near a big window.
- African Violet
Bring vibrant hues to your home with African violets. They can be grown almost anywhere there is light and a bit of humidity. African violets prefer full sun in the winter to get their gorgeous color. Rotate them regularly to keep growth even. Feed regularly with Espoma’s Violet! liquid fertilizer to ensure sensational blooms.
- Dracena
Nicknamed the dragon plant, this houseplant brings great texture to any décor. Choose the variety of dracaena that best complements your design styles– such as dark green foliage or red lined foliage. These plants are easily cared for, tolerating low light, but thriving in medium to bright spots, too.
- Lemon Cypress
This holiday favorite brings joy to your home all season long. Keep it trimmed into the cone shape to keep it looking like a miniature tree throughout the rest of the year. Keep it in direct light and cool temperatures.
- Chrysanthemum
Mums are a sure indicator of autumn with their yellow, orange, and red hues. Put them anywhere they can get bright filtered light during the day but remain in the dark at night. They look great on shelves and desks that have some sunlight hitting them.
- Goldfish Plant
A member of the African violet family, the goldfish plant brings a unique orange flower to your home. It’s named for the flower’s fishlike bodies and puckered mouths. Place this plant a few feet away from windows. Its curved stems make this a great choice for hanging.
- Oxalis triangularis
Also known as red shamrock plant, oxalis triangularis is a wonderful addition to any houseplant collection. It has big, reddish-purple, clover-shaped leaves which give it the nickname shamrock. It blooms little pink or white flowers that contrast with the foliage so well. It is a dream to have. Oxalis triangularis doesn’t like direct sun, so anywhere will work for this plant. It is a bulb, so allow for drying in between waterings to prevent rotting.
- Bromeliads
Known for the bright yellow, it may be surprising to some that bromeliads are offered in a sunset of colors. Bromeliads thrive on low light and minimal watering. So those who are looking for hardy plants, this one’s for you!