As plant lovers and gardeners, we are no strangers to putting a ton of TLC into our plants, whether it’s through pruning, watering, or fertilizing. But for as much as we give our plants, the same could be said in return!

When it comes to houseplants, there are some surprising benefits that we might overlook. Of course, the largest draw for owning indoor plants is an aesthetic one, who doesn’t love to decorate? Aside from brightening up your home, however, houseplants have been known to aid in the following:

1. They Improve Air Quality

There are many different species of houseplants that are known to be excellent air-purifiers, capable of scrubbing the air of harmful household toxins that can come from cleaning supplies and cigarettes. Houseplants also are great at producing fresh oxygen within the home and are capable of humidifying the air, making them ideal for those dry winter months.

2. Lower Stress Levels

Houseplants are capable of promoting brain activity that is known to reduce both physical and psychological stress. Tending to houseplants and their upkeep has been shown to reduce heart rate and blood pressure.

3. Can be Therapeutic and Meditative

Similar to how plants reduce stress, they can also minimize symptoms of certain mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression. Just as we care for pets to reduce the impact of mental illness, taking care of plants can also promote a stronger sense of positive mental health.

4. Boost of Productivity

In certain studies, houseplants have been shown to contribute to an increase in work ethic, studying, and other types of productivity. When people are less stressed, they are able to focus on tasks and projects easier, making houseplants like Snake Plants and Orchids perfect for office spaces and dorm rooms.


With so many benefits, it isn’t hard to see why houseplants are such a must for homeowners and renters. If you are looking for a mood booster, stop by our heated greenhouse; we will be more than happy to help match you with the perfect houseplant for your needs!

Forget the thermometer, you know when the warm weather’s coming when you see the return of thehummingbird hummingbirds! They’ve been spotted already in Connecticut gardens!

Hummingbirds are incredibly smart, little birds. To attract these little birds, here are a few ideas and a few suggestions. These birds are capable of navigating great distances and are clever enough to
return to their previous summer’s feeding grounds. Their diet is basically nectar and small insects, with flower nectar their preference. Hummingbird feeders are great for photo ops but not a true substitute
for nectar-rich flowers. Planting a yard full of their favorite nectar-rich plants is the best way to get started. Below are three great annual picks that hummingbirds love.

Salvia guarnanitica ‘Black and Blue’ is a fabulous summer performer for full sun and an excellent hummingbird magnet. 2 to 3′ tall spires of rich, cobalt blue flowers begin in May and continue until October. This salvia dispels the myth that hummingbirds only frequent red flowers. Yes, these little birds are attracted to reds but forage from countless other colors too.

Cuphea ‘Vermillionaire’ or the “cigar” or “firecracker” plant is another great choice. Orange, tubular flowers (the cigars) cover the bushy plants starting in summer and continue until frost. Cigar plants have hundreds of flowers and are nectar-rich. More flowers mean more visits. This annual can be used as a bedding plant or in containers. Also expect to see Cupheas attracting butterflies.

Fuchsias, in their many different forms, are a great addition to the garden and great hummingbird magnets! Hanging baskets filled with Fuchsias are perfect for shady gardens and upright Fuchsias work great in window boxes. Hummingbirds love the pendant flowers and bird lovers love the eye-level show right outside their windows. Fuchsias also show that hummingbirds frequent more than just tube-shaped flowers.

All three of these annual picks are easy to grow. Of course, hummingbirds love many other picks! Visit us in our greenhouses and we can share even more great selections with you.