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Roses are synonymous with love and gardening! Rose enthusiasts are a discerning bunch –some gardeners go for conventional growing and some go the more organic route, but neither is right nor wrong.
At Van Wilgen’s we want you to have beautiful roses and with a little TLC they are not as hard to maintain as their reputation may suggest. Here are a few tips and tricks from the Van Wilgen’s team:
- The most important thing with roses is to plant them in full sun. Roses like to bask in the sun and not in a place where they’ll get wet. They only need to be watered every third day or so – let them dry out well in between – and make sure they aren’t near a downspout or boggy spot but one that is well-drained.
- To get your roses started put down some fresh Van Wilgen’s Mulch (available in both bulk and bags!). Apply a 3” layer of mulch around roses to keep moisture in and keep weeds at bay. You’ll just want to keep mulch three inches from the canes of the rose. You’ll also want to fertilize your roses monthly using a slow-release fertilizer, such as Espoma’s Rose-Tone until about September.
- As you start to see blooms, it’s important to “deadhead” them as the flowers die in order to encourage them to re-bloom.
- Animals and insect pests can affect the flowers. If you have a known problem in your yard, control products, as well as deer and/or vole repellents, can be used preemptively. Additionally, as the season progresses, if new disease or insect problems arise, we have a full lineup of products that can treat these issues.
Stop by or give us a call and we’ll be happy to help you identify the issue your roses are facing and find you the right solution!