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For as long as I can remember, there was a thin line between winter weather and spring weather. A question often asked is, “what’ll happen to my bulbs that have popped?”
Good question. Most spring bulbs, with the exception of tulips, are very hardy and very reliable. Most come from mountain climates where the weather is extreme. Connecticut is slightly more hospitable than the mountains of Tibet, Turkey, and the Swiss Alps. Not to worry, my suggestion is to let nature take its course. When the weather dips in temperature, many bulbs shrink back into the soil.
Tulips are a different matter. Should the temperature dramatically, cover the emerged foliage with burlap or towels for the night. If blooms or buds are facing cold temps, just cover clumps with a five-gallon bucket secured with a brick. Tulip flowers are delicate. Be sure to remove the covers in the morning to keep flowers from bolting.