A Small Piece of Summer
My wife had a moment of panic last week, she had to dig deep down in our chest freezer to find the very last batch of tomatoes from last year’s […]
Fruiting Beauties
(Fruit Tree Care) Don’t you want your family and friends to look at your fruit trees this year and exclaim, “What a fruiting beauty?! Don’t you want to share your […]
Are my Hydrangeas Dead?
What will happen with my Hydrangeas this season! That has been the most asked question at the garden center recently. My advice to all…don’t panic. With the recent up and […]
Spring Weather and Spring Bulbs
For as long as I can remember, there was a thin line between winter weather and spring weather. A question often asked is, “what’ll happen to my bulbs that have […]
A Sign of Great Things to Come
We are no strangers to amazing wildlife at the garden center, we have several ospreys that catch fish in the river all day, coyotes that play on our freshly screened […]
Cool Weather Hellebores
As we shake off the chill of what seems to be a never-ending winter, it is natural and even soothing to look for those first signs of life in your […]
Spring is in the Air!
March sure came in like a lion this year. But I think we are all ready for it to go out like a lamb, right? As we get closer to […]
March To-Do List
MARCH COMES IN LIKE A LION…GET A JUMP ON THAT LION! March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. I know March starts out a little […]