Fertilizer Guide

The best way to keep your flowering plants in bloom and get a good harvest from your fruit and veggies is with food… marathon runners can’t run without the pasta dinner the night before, right? It’s the same for our plants – they have a marathon in front of them as they provide you with flowers or food all season long! Keep reading below for the best products to use in combination for each type of plant.

Van Wilgen’s All Purpose Slow Release 14-14-16
A true controlled release formula that feeds plants gradually and evenly. Apply every 2 months in a pot or 3 months in the ground. It is virtually impossible to burn plants with this and it contains valuable minerals in addition to the big 3 (Nitrogen – Phosphorus – Potassium).
Van Wilgen’s Bloom Booster 10-52-10
The BEST KEPT SECRET that shouldn’t be a secret! Our bloom booster truly dissolves in water and has a high phosphorus number, which promotes root growth and blooms. Feed with this every 2 weeks to get the most out of your annuals.

Herbs & Veggies

Van Wilgen’s Fish & Seaweed 3-1-1
Grow your edibles organically so you know your food is safe to eat, even on the day of harvest, and add some hard-to-get micronutrients found in the sea. Apply this every 2 weeks!
Espoma Organic Garden Tone 3-4-4 or Espoma Organic Tomato Tone 3-4-6
Use Garden Tone on all herbs and veggies! For herbs, apply during planting and after a large harvest. For vegetables, apply during planting and once per month from May through August. If using Tomato Tone instead (great for all tomato varieties and other fruiting crops like peppers, squash, & melons), apply 10-14 days after planting, and twice a month from May through August for established plants.


Van Wilgen’s JumpStart 4-10-3
This starter fertilizer has a higher middle number which is phosphorus. Phosphorus promotes root growth and helps get plants established fast. This formula is complete with IBA Root Stimulant that enhances rooting and reduces transplant shock. JumpStart is not just for when planting or transplanting, use it for any plants in the landscape!
BioAdvanced All-in-One Rose & Flower Spray
While there are many disease-resistant roses available now, generally they can be magnets for disease and insects. This is why protection is an absolute must for all roses! Use this product every 1-2 weeks during the growing season to treat or prevent disease, insects, and mites.
Espoma Organic Rose Tone 4-3-2
Use this organic fertilizer for bigger blooms and deep green foliage! Apply during planting new roses, and about once a month from May through September.


Van Wilgen’s JumpStart 4-10-3
This starter fertilizer has a higher middle number which is phosphorus. Phosphorus promotes root growth and helps get plants established FAST! Complete with IBA Root Stimulant that enhances rooting and reduces transplant shock. JumpStart is not just for when planting or transplanting, use it for any plants in the landscape, and it will benefit them too.
Espoma Organic Plant Tone 5-3-3
Use this organic fertilizer for greener foliage and faster growth! Apply when planting new perennials, and about once a month during the growing season.

1. Many plant signs around Van Wilgen’s have a little key on the bottom right corner with our suggested soil blend and fertilizer. These are there to help you pick the correct products to ensure the success of your plants!
2. Follow the recommendations on the bag. Remember like medicine, just because it says 1 tablespoon on the directions doesn’t mean that 2 is twice as good!